Spectroelectrochemistry is a technique that combines electrochemical and spectroscopic measurements. It can be very useful to explain some of the mechanisms of electrochemical reactions. Spectroelectrochemical measuring system, besides a potentiostat, consists of three parts: spectrometer, light source and cuvette holder (with appropriate cuvette).
SEC2020 spectrometer
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > SPECTROELECTROCHEMISTRYMoreSEC2020 is a versatile spectrometer system allowing for performing absorbance, transmittance, reflectance and fluorescence measurements. Using a proper cuvette it also allows for spectroelectrochemical measurements.
Static experiment cells
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > SPECTROELECTROCHEMISTRYMoreFor static spectroelectrochemical experiments cells based on standard cuvette with standard outer dimension are available. Cells are equipped in cover allowing electrodes and purge tubes mounting.