Battery accessories
Accessories for testing batteries. Thanks to its modular design and ease of use, these accessories greatly simplify and accelerate testing, research and development of batteries and battery cells. We offer many types of holders, suited to different cell types and also modules that extend the capabilities of potentiostat-galvanostats, as instruments for battery testing.
Cylindrical cell holders
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > BATTERY ACCESSORIESMoreAccessories which simplify research and development works on batteries. They limit the number of connection cables and do not require any cables or connector welding to have a reliable connection.
Coin cell holders
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > BATTERY ACCESSORIESMoreThe CCH-8 is an 8 positions coin holder designed for 20 and 24 mm coin cells. Its 4 points connection provides the lowest connection impedance allowing unbiased AC and DC tests. The unique cell cable greatly reduces the cable cluttering typically associated with battery testing.
Pouch cell holders
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > BATTERY ACCESSORIESMoreThese accessories simplify research and development works on pouch type batteries. They maximally limit the number of connection cables and do not require any cables or connectors welding to have a reliable connection.
Prismatic cell holders
Coin cell cases
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > BATTERY ACCESSORIESMoreUsing dedicated tools, quick closing of tested battery in CR2032 case is possible. These cases are single-use but allow for relatively fast and comfortable research works on different type cells.
Li-Ion cell separator
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > BATTERY ACCESSORIESMoreThe separator is a semi-permeable membrane placed between anode and cathode of battery cell. Its main function is to separate the two electrodes of the lithium-ion cell and thus prevent electrical short circuits, while at the same time passing the lithium ions and allowing the electric charge to be transported.
Redox-flow battery cell
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > BATTERY ACCESSORIESMoreLaboratory cell dedicated for redox-flow battery testing. It can be assembled and disassembled without any tools. Available in two electrode sizes: 10 x 10 mm and 50 x 50 mm.