There are not only elements, assemblies and devices in our offer. We are also offering services related to designing and low volume manufacturing of control-measuring devices and scientific research equipment. Our engineers team is able to design optical and electronic systems and also more complicated measuring set-ups.
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRYMorePotentiostats and other instruments and accessories necessary for research and development works and measurements related to electrochemistry.
Dispersions analysis
OFFER > DISPERSIONS ANALYSISMoreInstruments for analyzing the stability/instability of dispersions (emulsions, suspensions and foams) with a wide range of concentrations and particle sizes and measuring the average particle size without the need for dilution. The measurement is based on the analysis of multiple scattered light SMLS (transmitted and backscattered). It is possible to detect and identify physical instabilities such as: creaming, sedimentation, flocculation, aggregation, flotation, demulsification, etc. The analytical tools provided by the software enable the calculation of the kinetics of phenomena and the determination of the sample's global stability using a unique number, the stability index TSI.
OFFER > OPTOELECTRONICSMoreLasers, optics and optomechanics, fiber optics, acousto-optics and electro-optics, measuring and control equipment, photonics systems designing and manufacturing.